Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Simplicity: the benefits of lack of complexity


     I have been around computers a long time. Long enough to remember when 64K of memory (in total -- not RAM) was considered a large system. Long enough to have to toggle in a boot program for the paper tape reader to allow the main program to be run. Long enough that, between queuing up for the card punch, waiting for your program to be executed by the mainframe, and then getting the printouts from the run -- you might be only able to run your program three times in an eight hour period.

    (Not as long as the true pioneers like Ada Lovelace, Alan Turing, Kathleen Booth, Wang An, Grace Hopper and such. Please forgive me if I left out your own favorites.)

     Now, I'm not going to say those days were "better". I like getting streaming videos (though I will never be in favor of the many meetings that could have been done with a few memos and emails). I like reliable email networks, transmission, and reception. I like online shopping. I like having much of the transcribable data of the world available with searches and networked museums, libraries, and academies.

     But there were some advantages arising from the lack of options and complex systems.

  • With very limited memory, it was necessary to write efficient code.

  • With slow turnaround, it was necessary to try to anticipate every problem, and edge condition, that your program might encounter -- in advance as part of the design.

  • It was relatively easy -- and usually necessary -- to understand the basics of the entire system from the power that entered the hardware to the hardware components to the initial boot program, the peripherals, and the way the operating system works.

     I am a generalist because I WANT to continue to be a generalist. There are rarely paid positions posted for generalists. So, it was necessary to focus on some area. I became a telecom/datacom specialist. As I continued my career, I found that people interactions became more and more interesting and so I started to try to become the best servant leader that I could be -- a goal that I will never reach but which will continue to be out there as a target.

     But, at heart, I am still a generalist -- now extended to include the people (people's actions and interactions, UI, UX, etc.) Being such is conceptually very useful -- but job listings are virtually non-existent. Creation of new types of products usually requires knowledge of multiple areas (and, often, sciences) brought together. Generalists can be of great use in such.

     Nevertheless, the economy continues to move towards complexity and specialization.

     Within a computer app that faces a human user, a goal is to present a simple, intuitive, interface. Complexity of possibilities makes that much harder and, in part because of legal issues, every version of a particular program (word processing, spreadsheets, voice apps, video apps, ...) has to have a different interface (sometimes just a bit of a diversion, sometimes completely different).

     The goal is still to make it simple for the user to use without sacrificing flexibility and functionality. When that is achieved, it is almost definitely a balancing act with extreme complexity "under the hood". One could say the complexity is of the system as a whole. When the user-side becomes simpler, the provider-side becomes more complex. This often applies to mechanical objects, and other systems, as well.

     But what about those advantages of a simple program? They move from necessities to desirabilities. I would say that it is STILL useful to write efficient code. It is DEFINITELY (especially in terms of security in our current world) useful to anticipate problems, edge conditions, and vulnerabilities as part of the design. And, in order to create new types of programs, I am of the opinion that knowledge of the complete system is of considerable usefulness.

     Most examples have been concerning computer systems since that is my field. But such can be applied to civil engineering, mechanical engineering, business structuring, and so forth. There will be advantages with simple systems and complexity will involve trade-offs between various components.

Silence: A living interval

     As a long time Quaker (or member of the Religious Society of Friends), I have always had an extra awareness of silence, its meaning, an...